Thursday, October 29, 2009

Astronomers Detect Most Distant Object Ever Seen

Astronomers detected the most distant object anyone has yet seen from Earth.The thing that they discovered is a gamma ray burst.It's a kind of exploding star. These things are brighter than anything else we know of in the universe. In principle we can see them very far away but they're incredibly rare.

I think this discovery is very exicited,but I can't understand what this discovery is useful for.It costs a lot of money to research space.Will it be necessary to carry it out? I don't think so yet.Now, I want to find the value of space development.

Article link

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekly Words!!

1)To go
To go/Take out the food/Fastfood restaulant clerk says "For here? Or to go?".

2)What's up?
What's up?/Question of one's condition/My friend question to me "What's up?" And I reply "Not much".

yeild/hand over a way/There is a streetsign on a road.

calligraphy/Practice to write beautiful character/My host mother is doing calligraphy.

5)out of bounds
out of bounds/Play prohibition district / The announcer says "The ball flys out of bounds"

RIP/Rest in peace/It is carved for the Halloween tombstone.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Musicians Hear Better

The summary of this article is Our hearing system becomes tuned by the experience that we have had with sound throughout our life.
The part thought that I am important in this article is musical training could help children who are struggling with language.The phrase that "Children who are struggling with language" exactly expresses me present.I'm not good at English,especially the listening. Fortunately, I like playing a mandolin(musical instrument).I want to improve the listening skills by working hard study and enjoying Music.

Article Links

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dirt blog

Why he took some earth in his hand,and let it fall through his fingers.
I think the meaning of his action is pray to Gods.
So,he did before every battle.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Introducing myself

My name is shintaro.Call me Taro.
I am engineer.
My hobbies are tennis and play the mandolin.
I wanted to show a mandolin at class,but it is impossible, because I was not able to put a musical instrument on the airplane.
I hope to be able to understand movies without subtitles when this class ends.