Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Weekly Words 6!!

1)high roller
high roller/people who spends a lot of money/I was a high roller at the Las Vegas. I Heard this word from Chris.

2)wash out
wash out/lose a lot of money/I heard from my host mother.

3)interpreter/someone who changes spoken words from one language into another/When I called a hotel,the Japanese interpreter support me.

4)embassy/a group of officials who represent their government in a foreign country, or the building they work in/My friends have to go Japanese Embassy.

5)after you
after you/go ahead/At the Grand Canyon,Someone told to me "After you". I said "Thank you".

accommodate/building can hold a particular number of people or things/The hotel that I stayed at the Las Vegas,can accommodates ten thousand guests.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Weekly Words 5!!

1)chance of rain
chance of rain/possibility of rain/I heard on the weather news.

2)ride sharing
ride sharing/carpool,car-sharing/I heard from my host mother,she does ride sharing.

cuisine/a particular style of cooking/I heard this word at "KYOTO".

store/to put things away and keep them/At the METRO BUS, driver told to passenger "Do not store baggage in this area".

cider/apple juice/My host mother teach this word.In Japan cider means carbonated drink.

lice/the plural of louse,a small insect that lives on the hair or skin of people or animals/I was given advise by my host mother about my pronunciation.

Friday, November 20, 2009

News of Choice #8

In New England, Hard Cider Stages A Comeback


Apple cider is a traditional drink in U.S. and Canada.It is made on late fall.Owner Steve Wood began converting his orchards to cider apples 20 years ago,but many apple growers switched to other crops. Because,red Delicious apples from Washington state and cheap imports from China were flooding the market.Woods wants to resurrect New England's long-dormant hard cider tradition.It is not easy,because,there is no market. Despite the long odds, Wood envisions New England becoming the Napa Valley of fine cider production.

I thought that the apple cider was a carbonated drink,but it is incorrect.Now I am drinking apple cider.It`s good!!However,In Japan,apple cider is not popular. I want him to familiarize it in Japan.

Reaction to the comments
In comments of this article,some people thought that license is very important to make a apple cider. Other people thought that license is important too,but it negatively affects the apple orchards business. I think that license is important,because apple cider is not sterilized, it is perishable,so apple grower must follow the rules.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

News of Choice #7

"Nobu" Fever: Japan Falls for a Blind Piano Prodigy

Japanese pianist,Nobuyuki Tsujii,won the Gold Medal at the prestigious Van Cliburn International Competition in Fort Worth, Texas, in June. Actually,he is visually impaired,but his music attracts people. The sales of his first album debut, together with his second album and a live DVD, have sold hundreds of thousands of copies, and the interview requests flooded in.

The score of the piano is very complicated and difficult,even if I can see it.Nobuyuki Tsujii is visually impaired,but he become so nice pianist.How he become it?Maybe he has a talent for music,but it is not only it.He was supported by the person of the circumference, and he made an effort, too.In Japan,his CD sells very well.Of course I bought it.Sound of his piano is silken.I like his piano.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekly Words 4!!

1)make someone sweat
make someone sweat/let someone sweat/When I and a host mother ate the curry,she said "This curry makes me sweat!!".

2)liquid nitrogen
liquid nitrogen/Nitrogen,form of liquid/At the Johnson Space Center, astronauts explained to me about this ward.It is used for fuel of space shuttle.

3)space exploration
space exploration/development of space technology/At the Johnson Space Center, astronauts explained to me about this ward.

grumpy/displeased/My host mother said "She is glumpy cat." about her cat.

hush/Be quiet!!/My host mother said toward her dog "Hush!!".

6)use-by date
use-by date/expiry date,freshness date/This cake is over the use-by date.

Friday, November 13, 2009

News of Choice #6

The Dirt On Dust

Article Link

Where does the dust come from? It is a main idea of this article.This article says it is distributed between 2 greatly,outdoor or indoor of our house,and the dust can have bad influence on our health too.

I am interested in this article very much.Because I have house dust allergy.So, I must know it to overcome it with my disease.I hope that a study about the dust advances more.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

News of Choice #5

NASA Unveils Plan To Unstick A Mars Rover

Article Link

NASA uses two lover to exploration to the Martian site.Their name is "Spirit and Opportunity".One of them,spirit broke through a thin layer of crusty soil. What was underneath was extremely fine-grain soil, and Spirit's wheels quickly got stuck.So,NASA wants to get Spirit out of its predicament.This project is not easy,and it takes a lot of time.

I think this project is very difficult because enginner need to do remote-control operation.Even if this project does not succeed I want to say "Good job!" to Spirit,because it worked longer than its designed life.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekly Words 3!!

1)make a big splash
make a big splash/have great success/In the TV quiz show,the chairman says"You make a big splash!!"to answerer.

2)score a touchdown
score a touchdown/make a score in football/In the football game, the announcer says "Score a touchdown".

3)make room for
make room for~/make space/At the football stadium,A men said to me "Could you make room for me?" I said "Yes, of course".

4)Oh, my gosh!
Oh, my gosh!/Oh, my god!/Oh, my gosh!it's raining so hard.

5)rain whales and elephants
rain whales and elephants/raining so hard/It's raining whales and elephants today.

6)make sense
make sense/can underatand/My host mother said to me "Make sense?" I reply "No".

Thursday, November 5, 2009

News of Coice 4

Article title is "Yankees Top Phillies For World Series Title"
Araticle Link http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=120108879

The New York Yankees are baseball's best again.

The Yankees won their 27th World Series title Wednesday night, beating the defending champion Philadelphia Phillies 7-3 in Game 6 behind Hideki Matsui's record-tying six RBIs.In the Series, Matsui was 8-for-13 with three homers and eight RBIs. His six RBIs in this game tied Richardson's one-game World Series record, set for the Yankees in Game 3 in 1960 against Pittsburgh.

In the Series,Hideki Matsui wins most valuable player.I'm happy to hear this news.And He transfers from Yankees in the next season.I hope he come back to Japan.And pump up the Japanese baseball.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

News of Choice 3

Article Title is "U.S. Settles With 5 Immigrants In Post-9/11 Sweep".
Article link http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=120068599

The U.S. government will pay $1.26 million to five Muslim men detained for months without charges after the September 11 attacks who sued for unlawful imprisonment and abuse.

I think that We must not judgde only religion and the color of skin.I sincerely hope this will never happen again.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Weekly Words 2!!

1)Hang in there
Hang in there/Do your best,Good luck,Go for it/I say "I can't put up with this homework any more". And My friend says "Hang in there.You can do it".

2)I'm just looking.
I'm just looking/Looking only/Sales clerk says "May I help you?". I say "I'm just looking. Thanks".

3)get fired
get fired/get axed/I will get fired from a company if I put a tattoo.

book/make a reservation/I booked airplane via the internet.

5)Round Trip
Round Trip/to and from / When we make a reservation of airplane at online, have to Choose round trip or one way.

6)To Die For
To Die For/greatly desired or deeply appreciated/This cotume is to die for.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Astronomers Detect Most Distant Object Ever Seen

Astronomers detected the most distant object anyone has yet seen from Earth.The thing that they discovered is a gamma ray burst.It's a kind of exploding star. These things are brighter than anything else we know of in the universe. In principle we can see them very far away but they're incredibly rare.

I think this discovery is very exicited,but I can't understand what this discovery is useful for.It costs a lot of money to research space.Will it be necessary to carry it out? I don't think so yet.Now, I want to find the value of space development.

Article link

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekly Words!!

1)To go
To go/Take out the food/Fastfood restaulant clerk says "For here? Or to go?".

2)What's up?
What's up?/Question of one's condition/My friend question to me "What's up?" And I reply "Not much".

yeild/hand over a way/There is a streetsign on a road.

calligraphy/Practice to write beautiful character/My host mother is doing calligraphy.

5)out of bounds
out of bounds/Play prohibition district / The announcer says "The ball flys out of bounds"

RIP/Rest in peace/It is carved for the Halloween tombstone.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Musicians Hear Better

The summary of this article is Our hearing system becomes tuned by the experience that we have had with sound throughout our life.
The part thought that I am important in this article is musical training could help children who are struggling with language.The phrase that "Children who are struggling with language" exactly expresses me present.I'm not good at English,especially the listening. Fortunately, I like playing a mandolin(musical instrument).I want to improve the listening skills by working hard study and enjoying Music.

Article Links

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dirt blog

Why he took some earth in his hand,and let it fall through his fingers.
I think the meaning of his action is pray to Gods.
So,he did before every battle.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Introducing myself

My name is shintaro.Call me Taro.
I am engineer.
My hobbies are tennis and play the mandolin.
I wanted to show a mandolin at class,but it is impossible, because I was not able to put a musical instrument on the airplane.
I hope to be able to understand movies without subtitles when this class ends.