Friday, November 13, 2009

News of Choice #6

The Dirt On Dust

Article Link

Where does the dust come from? It is a main idea of this article.This article says it is distributed between 2 greatly,outdoor or indoor of our house,and the dust can have bad influence on our health too.

I am interested in this article very much.Because I have house dust allergy.So, I must know it to overcome it with my disease.I hope that a study about the dust advances more.


  1. your topic makes me interesting. If you want to know about the effect of dust, pls refer to the my news of choice #3,"TOXIC CHINESE WALL...".
    According to the recent newspaper in USA, the material makes the people unsafe in terms of health. I think your choice is a good point.

  2. Hey!! You chose same article to me. Do you have allergy? Oh it's serious problem. I thought this article was not imortant. Because house dust don't disappear completely. However I didn't think about allergy. My openion is changed. This story is very important.

  3. Hi Taro... I am interested about your article topic. I want to tell you that I have the same allergy that you have, and really I hate the dust. Finally I wish that we dont get to any dust diseases.
