Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekly Words 4!!

1)make someone sweat
make someone sweat/let someone sweat/When I and a host mother ate the curry,she said "This curry makes me sweat!!".

2)liquid nitrogen
liquid nitrogen/Nitrogen,form of liquid/At the Johnson Space Center, astronauts explained to me about this ward.It is used for fuel of space shuttle.

3)space exploration
space exploration/development of space technology/At the Johnson Space Center, astronauts explained to me about this ward.

grumpy/displeased/My host mother said "She is glumpy cat." about her cat.

hush/Be quiet!!/My host mother said toward her dog "Hush!!".

6)use-by date
use-by date/expiry date,freshness date/This cake is over the use-by date.

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