Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekly Words 3!!

1)make a big splash
make a big splash/have great success/In the TV quiz show,the chairman says"You make a big splash!!"to answerer.

2)score a touchdown
score a touchdown/make a score in football/In the football game, the announcer says "Score a touchdown".

3)make room for
make room for~/make space/At the football stadium,A men said to me "Could you make room for me?" I said "Yes, of course".

4)Oh, my gosh!
Oh, my gosh!/Oh, my god!/Oh, my gosh!it's raining so hard.

5)rain whales and elephants
rain whales and elephants/raining so hard/It's raining whales and elephants today.

6)make sense
make sense/can underatand/My host mother said to me "Make sense?" I reply "No".

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